A grave will cover a person’s shame. ~ Adam aýbyny ýer ýaşyr.
A great ship asks deep waters. Big ships sail in the sea. ~ Uly gapylara uly gulp.
A high tree has a heavy fruit. ~ Agaç ýokary bolsa miwesi aşak.
A person gets old but his soul doesn’t. ~ Adam garrasa-da, köňül garramaz.
A shy cat makes a proud mouse. ~ Il aglak bolsa, doňuz depä çykar.
A swan tends for a lake; a person tends to his Motherland. ~ Guw köle, adam Watanyna ymtylýar.
A wise man will not reveal the secret of his nation. ~ Ýagşy ýigit il aýbyn açmaz.
A person for a person is a guest, soul is temporarily in the body. There is nothing permanent in the world. ~ Adam adama myhman, jan – göwrä.
Better healthy than beauty. ~ Görküm bolanyndan berkim bolsun.
Better to a shepherd in your native land than a king in alien country. ~ Ýat iliň soltany bolýançaň, öz iliň çopany bol.-
Better to be beggar in Kenya than a king in Egypt. ~ Müsürde şa bolandan, Kenganda geda bol.
Better to be beggarly than a well-to-do in a foreign country/land. ~ Gaýry ýurtda şa bolandan, öz ýurduňda geda bol.
East or West home is best. ~ Towşana dogduk depe.
Even the smoke of my country is much more pleasant than other counrties fire. ~ Watanyň tüssesi – iliň odundan ýagşy. –
Every nation as its heroes. ~ Halk bar ýerinde gahryman hem bardyr.
Finger cut after consulting with people does not hurt. ~ Il bilen kesilen barmak awamaz.
He who departed from his beloved will be suffering for seven years, and he who is departed from his country will have lifelong suffering. ~ Ýaryndan aýrylan ýedi ýyl aglar, ýurdundan aýrylan ölinçä.
He who loves his parents greatly loves his Motherland. ~ Atany söýen -Watany söýer.
If I have no my (native) people, I need no any life. ~ Ilim-günüm bolmasa, aýym-günüm dogmasyn. –
If people appriciate, sacrifice your dearest horse. ~ Il oňlasa, atyňy soý.
If the country is prosperous, no one has worry. ~ Ata Watan aman bolsa, reňki-roýuň saman bolmaz.
If you distinguish yourself in labour – people appreciate you ~ Iş bitirseň – il tanar.
Nation’s prosperity depends on self-sacrificing people, fish’s life is by water. ~ Balygyň diriligi suw bilen, äriňki – il bilen.
Neither cut in at the beginning of the line nor stand out in the last line. ~ Agaryp öňe düşme, garalyp yza-da alma.
People are well-fed – prosperity at home and peace abroad. ~ Dok başa döwlet geler.
People is much more powerful than a high mountain torrent. ~ Iliň güýji-siliň güýji.
People who live in glass house should not throw stones. ~ Adamlar ýaşaýan ýurduna hyýanat etmeli däldirler.
Prosperious country is known by its quiet life. ~ Abadan kent tüssesinden belli.
Public before private and country before family. – ~ Watanyň we halkyň bähbidi şahsy bähbitden ýokardadyr.
Shadow of a large tree covers a thousand ship. ~ Bir agajyň kölegesine ýüz goýun sygar.
The well-fed dog stands guard over the village, the hungry dog looks for a bone. ~ Dok it ýurt saklar, aç it oba gezer.
There is no happiness without companions. ~ Ilim-günüm bolmasa, aýym-günüm bolmasyn
There is no mourning the loss of family and friends and feast without expressing offence. ~ Agysyz ölüm bolmaz, öýkesiz – toý.
There is nо place like home. ~ Towşana dogduk depe.
Unanimity is a state’s treasure, and nation’s value. ~ Agzybirlik – döwletiň haztnasy, milletiň baş ýörelgesidir
When there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. ~ Iliň parasatly ýaşulysy bar bolsa, obada asudalyk hem abadançylyk höküm sürer. –
You have to support what the majority of people do. ~ Il bilen gelen – toý-da, baýram.
You will honour and respect your country when you move off it. ~ Göçen ýurduň gadryny, gonan ýurduňda bilersiň.